Data Protection and Privacy

Southern Regional College recognises and respects the importance of your privacy and is committed to treating your personal information responsibly and in compliance with all relevant data protection legislation.

We are required to collect and hold information on all our students. The College needs to process your information to administer your studies; provide you with support; contact you about the College and its news and events; facilitate strategic planning and fulfil our statutory reporting obligations.

Your data will be shared with Government Departments and Statutory Bodies e.g. the Department for the Economy for statistical research, funding and other legitimate business purposes, including the provision of careers advice and guidance. Current Data Protection Legislation (The United Kingdom Data Protection Regulation 2018 and the Data Protection Act 2018) entitles you to see the data held about you. For further details on our Privacy Notices, Data Protection and your rights, please visit our website here

The Data Protection Officer
SRC Banbridge Campus
Castlewellan Road
BT32 4AY

Tel: 0300 123 1223

Applicants must be aged 16 or over, on or before 1st July, in the academic year the course is due to commence. Please select DOB from Calendar provided
Format dd/mm/yyyy
The college will be using your email/mobile phone for all communications relating to your application including notification of interview. Please ensure these details are correct.
Password must contain at least 9 characters, a combination of upper and lower case characters and at least 1 digit